Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feb 8

20 min Run @ 75% HR
10 min lower body stretching/mobility
20 min Run @ 75% HR
10 min lower body stretching/mobility
Completed. Felt good, also added in some shoulder mobility in the second stretching session because my shoulders needed some extra attention, been feeling fatigued/worked since Friday's amrap OHS 
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
6 toes to bar
9 front squat - 65lb
15 rounds 
All HSPU unbroken and strict, easy
All t2b unbroken felt good
All unbroken squats this was the most painful part of the work out
Felt good, breathing was good and movements felt solid throughout the exercises. Recovery after was good too. Need to be faster on transitions b/t exercises to improve score next time

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