Tuesday, February 7, 2012

233# Back Squat

A. Back Squat, build to 1 rm
B. Clean Grip DL, build to tough single - no failures, leave some in the tank
C. Push jerk, AMRAP @ 135lb x 3 sets, 5 min - focus on getting deep into your squat to receive the bar overhead
D. Chest to Bar Chin-ups, 10 unbroken x 7 sets, 2 min
A. 233# (+8# PR) got ahead of myself and went for 243# after this and missed it. I dropped to 238# but didn't have any success, would like to think that had I initially gone to 238#, not 243#, I would have gotten it. But still happy with 233#, it's been a while since I have set a back squat PR
B. 290# Felt solid, could have probably set a PR here today but definitely left some in the tank, and no fails. 
C.10/11/10 Thought I would get more like 15's. Set 1 was slow, I tried to be controlled but realized that I should just rep out the push jerks because my shoulders are going to get fatigued either way, so sets 2 and 3 were more touch and go like reps. Felt these a lot in my triceps as well. 
D. Completedsets 1 through 5 were my best feeling c2b butterfly ever, very smooth, sets 6 and 7 I lost rhythm but completed 10 unbroken, finishing with regular kipping pull ups. 

233# back squat + 290# DL + Push Jerks+ Pull ups from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Great squat and dead lift! The girls in NorCal betting be getting worried.
