Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb 5

Sunday - LEnd3 x 2 sessions
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
3 squat snatch - 65lb
6 bar facing burpees
*Goal is 8 rounds
8 rounds
Felt good the first 5 rounds, then I felt like I was trying to hang on the rest of the way. I obviously tried to pace 2 rounds per min, I was ahead of pace by 15 seconds through round 6 but the last two rounds were slower and I finished 8 rounds exactly at 3:59. I didn't feel too great after, took me a while to recover and I took about a 3 hour nap the minute I got home. Woke up, ate then went back for another 2 hour nap. 
10 rounds for time:
5 Wall Balls - 20#
5 Chin-ups
*Goal is sub 3:30 min
Hit a 10ft target almost everytime. I fell short a couple throws but chose not to "redo" the rep, understanding that I am ideally working here for a particular time domain, and all the throws were to AT LEAST 9 ft. My forearms were ruined, on a few throws the ball fell straight out of my hands which hasn't ever happened to me before. I can't remember the last time I broke up wallballs on a work out, but the failed catches slowed me down a bit here. Haven't thrown the 20# in a while, and felt a bit uncoordinated. Breathing and pull ups were okay till round 8 then I felt awful. Recovery after this work out was about 10 to 12 minutes of pain and walking in circles trying to relieve some of the discomfort. This one put me in more pain than this morning's work out. 
Both of these work outs really kicked my ass but I feel like they both went okay. I really wanted sub 3:30 on the PM work out, but couldn't maintain pace which is frustrating.

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