Saturday, February 4, 2012

Feb 4

10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
1 muscle-up
run 100m
16 rounds + 1 MU
*Felt good here
--7 min recovery
10 min @ high aerobic effort:
5 power clean - 95lb
10 push-ups
row 150m
7 rounds + 5 Power Cleans
*Shoulders and calves were extremely fatigued, made the power cleans and push ups tough. Recovered somewhat during the rows.
--5 min recovery
10 min @ high aerobic effort:
10 gh sit-ups
10 dl - 95lb
10 pistols
6 rounds + GHD+ DL+  8 pistols
*Legs were dead here, 95# deadlifts felt like 150#

20 min Airdyne @ 75% HR
10 min lower body stretching
20 min Row @ 70% HR
10 min handstand walk tech
Completed, did band mobility and foam rolling then some dynamic stretching
HSWalks are really coming along, I feel confident about getting to point A to point B, 20-30 feet is becoming a simple task, strong shoulders help a lot, I like practicing this. 

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