Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Birthday Work Out

I'm 22 today! I'm aging like wine, the older I get the better! haha, but people keep telling me "the best is yet to come". Excited to find out what that means!
The past week has been brutal at school. For the past 4 years I have had finals over my bday. Here is a quick recap of what's been going on besides my work outs. 10 weeks of lectures and it comes down to this:
Last week
10 page paper due in my Central American History Class on the Mara Salvatrucha
December 6:
26 page paper for my capstone: The Effects of alcohol consumption and sports participation on academic achievement, and a 10 min presentation on my findings.
10 page paper: Proving that philosophy can be considered a religious tradition (brutal, i was in over my head this whole class. philosophy and religion.... woooaaa)
Today: Study study study
7 page paper on teenage tobacco use
Central American Final Exam (Definitely going to be challenging)
Deviant Behavior Final Exam (not worried about this, should be easy, actually forgot I had this final till this week)

Tomorrow I will be done with school until January 9th. This is the home stretch and I cannot wait! Dec 8 will start 4 weeks of 100% focus on my training because I will have no other obligations, woo!

3 sets:
5 Power Snatch - 115lb
Run 90 sec @ 85%
Rest 2 min
3 sets:
5 hang squat clean - 135lb
Airdyne 90 sec @ 85%
Rest 2 min
5 sets:
10 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Unanchored Sit-ups
20 Back Extensions
2 min
TNG all sets, 400m all sets (pretty cool, set 1 okay, set 2 sloppy, set 3 good first 4 reps the 5th was a lucky press out,  grip was tough and fatiguing even in the hook)
TNG all sets, monitor broken but 85% effort, legs felt like bricks
1:05/ 1:01/ 1:00/ 1:01/ :59

Feeling better today, much more rested and was ready to hit these work outs today! Probably should have settled down on the snatches a bit but I was excited to be able to do that them TnG, wasn't expecting that.


  1. omg, i cant believe you are only 21. fack. you have many more years left until your body just craps out on you and the parts of your body that used to point at 9 o'clock start to droop down to 6 o'clock.

    Well hrm, with your training at this rate, that will probably never happen. either way, happy birthday girl!
