Monday, October 10, 2011


This past weekend was the first OPTathlon in San Diego, California. It was an awesome event and a true test of fitness. I had been working very hard preparing for this weekend. The past two weeks I haven't thought about anything else besides what the events might be and how I would do. I would say I was stressed out about it, so it is nice to have it all completed. Everything about the event was awesome: The people, the energy, the volunteers and the programming. James Fitzgerald is a huge inspiration to me so it was really cool to meet him face to face this weekend!
The OPTathlon was yesterday (Sunday Oct 9)
We had to weigh in because body weight played a factor in events 1 and 3. I weighed in at 139# which was good because I was light compared to many competitors. This helped me out in the first event because I can lift a lot for my body weight and I was able to get a lot of points for that.
1. Max Clean & Jerk with a 10 min time cap 175# (pr)
2. Standing Triple Jump 19'11"
3. Row Repeats: 500m, rest 90 sec in rower, 500m 1:50, 1:48
4. Total Reps in 7 Min: 150 DU buy in then amrap 7 wallball and 5 burpees to a 1 ft target above max reach 213 reps
5. Overhead shot put toss 38'6"
6. 3k Run 14:57

The scores/placings were based off the records for a multi-event athlete and body weight was calculated in events 1 and 3. Total accumulated points wins. Top 3 were announced last night and I placed 2nd! I have been working really hard and am very excited and proud to place where I did. I still have a lot to work on (event 4 and 6 were the toughest for me). I walk away from this weekend with more knowledge and motivation. I am excited to work hard and ready to kick it up a level.

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