Monday, October 31, 2011


5 sets:
30 sec KBS - 16kg
30 sec rest
30 sec Double Unders
30 sec rest
10 min rest
5 sets:
30 sec Box Jumps - 20" - step down each rep
30 sec rest
30 sec Wall Balls - 12#/10 ft
30 sec rest
10 min rest
5 sets:
30 sec AIrdyne @ 80% effort:
30 sec rest
30 sec Push-up Burpees @ 80% effort
30 sec rest
KB: 18, 18, 18, 18, 17
DU: 59, 57, 58, 58, 53 (1 trip up on the last set)
BJ: 16, 16, 17, 16, 18
WB: 14, 16, 15, 15, 15
*Didn't realize till after that WB were after BJ's, I did WB first then BJ's
Airdyne: No way to really measure because the monitor is broken, but kept the pace at 6 RPM each round, so I know each round was consistent
PushUp Burpees: 8 reps for all sets

The goal of today's work out: Learn your pace/speed, and to breath in a high heart rate environment, then recover from it.
I learned quite a bit about myself and how much better I feel attacking work outs more relaxed (breathe, breathe, breathe). There's not much I could change about KBS/Double unders, the reps are reps, but stepping down on box jumps and light weight wall balls kept me calm and allowed me to breathe. The 80% effort airdyne and push up burpees also allowed me to breathe and not kill myself. I feel like my results are good and I felt good throughout the work out. Of course I got tired but I didn't feel like I was going to die (which is a common feeling for me during high heart rate work outs). I usually have 1 speed "GO" and I only can keep that up for a couple minutes and then I'm done. So today was definitely a good day of training: attacking my work out with a different mentality and probably better results than I would have achieved otherwise.
Goal Achieved

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