A few weeks ago, I completed a Metcon that was:
-800m Run
-21 Deadlifts @ 135#
-800m Row
-21 DB thrusters @ 35#/hand
-Run 800m
Time: 14:28
My time for this work out was decent because the volume of the work out was not very high and the weights were still light enough (for me) to do the DL & Thursters unbroken. I am not the greatest runner or rower, but being able to fly through the weightlifting proved to be good enough for a decent time.
I really struggle with high volume, light weight work outs. I like anything heavy and anything that requires skill: "Amanda", Ring HSPU, HSPU, heavy olympic lifting, heavy KB's, very high box jumps... etc.
Here's my training from today:
part 1:
5 rounds for time:
run 100 m
25 double unders
rest 10 min
Part 2:
for reps:
1 min wall balls - 20# to 10ft
1 min SDLHP - 75#/55#
1 min box jumps - 20/14"
1 min push press - 75#/55#
1 min row cals
rest 10 min
Part 3:
AMRAP in 5 min:
AirDyne Cals
Part 1:
Part 2:
WB 20#/10ft= 23 reps
SDHP55#= 31 reps
Box Jumps= 30 reps
PP= 23 reps
Cals= 13
Total= 120 reps
my pushpress # is most disappointing. Was hoping for a lot more but I was dead by that 4th minute.
Part 3: Completed, airdyne monitor is broken.
Time to Make Some Moves! |
Part 2 is one round of a very brutal work out, "FIGHT GONE BAD". I could have done just as well at the men's weights as I did at the women's weights. I had a bit higher expectations for myself, but everything always looks a lot easier when I plan it on paper. I felt strong on WallBall because it's heavy and a higher target (and obviously the first exercise), but by the time box jumps came up I was dead. I'm not entirely sure what this means but I know I don't have the greatest engine for endurance. I am very powerful and strong, and people often underestimate my strength because I'm not very "big" (thankfully) but turning a "strength" athelete into an "endurance" athlete seems to be a bit tricky. I think I am lucky because endurance comes much easier than strength but endurance is a lot more painful, although some may argue differently. I think that's why I like heavy and skilled work outs because I do well compared to other athletes, whereas the lightweight work outs crush me and I feel like I'm not very good. Take for example the Open work outs,
wooooaahhh I was not a fan. I would have loved to see 11.3 at a bit heavier weight, and I did okay at 11.4 in comparison to other athletes because of the muscle ups (skill/strength move). I need to get much better at the light weight work outs in preparation for the 2012 Open, guessing that it may be similar to 2011. I loved the regional work outs this year and I probably would have done okay at all of them (definitely better than my open standings), but regionals do not matter because I have to get past the open first. I will keep training hard, but there are some other things I need to change. I already have added days where I run (Tuesdays are hill sprints, and Thursdays are long trail runs) already improving my mental and physical fitness. But now I'm to the point where it's almost frustrating to do metcons because I never meet my expectations for myself and I'm not setting them ridiculously high. So, about a week ago I cleaned up my diet quite a bit. I don't ever last too long eating really healthy but I think it's the extra step I need. I plan to give it a try for a few weeks, but if I don't see great results, I will hurry over to my favorite place in town for a turkey burger, fries and a milkshake (they'll be happy to see me and they already know my order there).
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