A. behind the neck jerk - singles on the minute - add till -10-15% of 1RM
(no more than 5 tough sets)
B. power snatch x 1/snatch balance x 1/OHS x 1 - 80% effort; rest 90 sec x 4
C. on the minute for 8 min:
3 clean and jerk - 185/135#
6 KBS - 88#/55#
A. 145# 150# 160# 170# 180# 190#(f)
Haven't ever done rack jerks so I had no idea where to start. Minutes started to come up quickly so failed 190#
B. All sets @ 105# The weight flew after part A
C. Sets 1 & 2 @135#, failed minutes 3 & 4 so dropped the weight to 125# for sets 5 & 6, failed set 7, set 8 @ 125#
All kbs@ 53#
Part C was extremely tough for me, mentally and physically. I had barely any time to rest, so it became continuous and I couldn't hang on for very long before failing.
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