Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17th

AM - Snatch moderate + DL int + Upper Press Stamina
A. OHS Event - start @ 155lb
B. Deadlift, 5 touch n go @ 245lb per min for 6 mins
C. Complete 1 round per min for 10 mins:
5 Shoulder to Overhead @ 100lbs
A. completed 170#, failed on the 3rd rep of 175# but was at 7:05 on the clock anyways. What a bad place to fail. Snatched 155# and 160# then did a clean and push jerk then got it into the ohs position, god that's annoying. 
B. Completed, felt heavy
C. Completed, last 5 rounds were tough on the lock out for S2OH

PM - Chipper practice
2 sets @ high effort:
50 Wall Balls - 14# to 10 ft
50 C2B Chin-ups
50 Pistols
50 DB Snatch @ 50lbs - alternate each rep
30 min b/t sets (do some mobility work and Z1 airdyne in the rest time, learn to recover)
Pull ups were most noticeably tougher in the second set. Wall balls were good, pistols were ok, tougher on the breathing than I remember, DB snatches take a while but were ok
In b.t sets I rode the watt bike and did some dynamic stretching, felt good to go when the time came

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