Feeling a bit sore today in my upper back and really sore in my arms (muscles right by the elbow joint). Legs feel good today, which is surprising because yesterday they were what I thought would be the most sore, my quads were cramping up on my drive home after my work out yesterday. Another Tuesday work out is done. This type of session continues to kick my ass, but it's good. I am able to do a lot of different exercises throughout the training session so it keeps things fun. I've particularly been enjoying the KB work I have been doing the past few months, today were KB front squats, other days I have remembered doing KB thrusters, front rack lunges, push press... they've all been tough but new movements are exciting.
AM - High Muscular Endurance MAP (30/30's)
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Push Jerk @ 75lbs 14/14/13/12/14
30 sec rest
30 sec Airdyne efforts seemed consistent
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec KB Front Squats @ 16kg/arm 10/10/8*/10/11
30 sec rest
30 sec Hand Release Burpees to 6" OH 9/ 8/ 9/ 9/ 8
30 sec rest
*had to set the KBs down after 6 reps due to poor positioning from the beginning
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Power Clean @ 75lbs 11/ 11/ 11/ 10/ 10
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps - 20" - jump down, with no rebounding (slight pause for landing) 12/13/14/14/16
30 sec rest
- Push Jerk/ Airdyne combo: Seemed to hit musclar fatigue before breathing in this one. Breathing actually felt really good on the airdyne. Shoulders/Quads were feeling fatigued by the end.
- KB Front squat was tough! It was tough on the legs and it was tough on the upper body to hold the KB in a good position. Enjoyed these though. Hand release burpees felt decent, I was getting really tired by the end, this was tough on breathing too.
- Power Clean Box jump combo was tough. Last 2 sets of power cleans were not unbroken. Legs and breathing here. Box jumps became better throughout because I was pausing too much on top of the box too in the beginning, these felt good but were much more tiring throughout mostly because my reps kept increasing.
PM - Z1
3 round:
Row 1500m @ 50% - damper 1
4 x 25 unbroken Double Unders - high pace
Ice Bath
completed, total time for the Z1= 27:44 .... rowing was around a 2:35 pace
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