Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov 9th

HRV today: 100 green
AM - CP Stamina
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Pistols @ 24kg
6 Strict HSPU to 4" Depth
3 Muscle-ups
5 rds plus 5 pistols
Tough to figure out how to pace this. I may have paced it too much, but all the movements were pretty involved in terms of focus and execution so I just held a slow/steady pace the whole time, but never really struggled. Pistols were the toughest, and they were especially tough in the same spot I get stuck on for my front squats/cleans... Right above parallel on the way back up. HSPU were moderate, shoulders were fatigued by the end. MU's were the easiest part but still not easy. Tough but really fun. 

PM - MAP Airdyne
10 x 60 sec Airdyne @ 90%+ effort/120 sec EZ Spin on AD
Completed, felt good throughout and feel really good a couple hours after.

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