Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov 2nd

AM - CP Stamina
Bar Muscle-up tech work - try to string together a few singles
For time:
Front Rack KB Walking Lunges @ 24k/hand - 10,10,10,10,10,10
Rope Climb - 2,2,2,2,2,2
HSPU - 15,15,15,15,15,15
MU's completed. Wasn't sure if I could do one, so I tried one, then got it and then did a set of 7 unbroken. These feel much easier than the rings, max set is probably around 12 reps or more, max on rings is 6 or 7
Brutal. It took me about 3:30 just to clean the KB's to the front rack position on my second round, finally got a little better at the movement but this was tough! Most of the time was spent on the lunges, they were very tough for me. All sets were broken up 5/5 mostly because I couldn't hold the KBs up for much longer than that time frame!

PM - MAP Airdyne
20 x 30 sec Airdyne @ 90%+ effort/60 sec EZ Spin on AD

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