Friday, November 23, 2012

Nov 23rd

HRV yesterday: 89 green
HRV today: 96 green
AM - CP Stamina
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
200 ft Prowler Push @ 205lb total load
10 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Thrusters @ 24kg/hand
1 rd + 7 or 8 thrusters
The first round was fine, and I was on pace to complete 3 rounds, until I hit the second set of thrsusters. I spent the last 7 minutes trying to get through the second set and only got 7 or 8, I would fail on the clean sometimes, or I couldnt lock it out at the top... I came out of the squat sometimes with no drive to get the KBs up, frustrating. Sled and bar Muscle ups were fine, the thrusters were hard and a little scary in the sense that I thought I might hurt myself. 
PM - MAP Airdyne
5 x 120 sec Airdyne @ 90%+ effort/180 sec EZ Spin on AD - same pace as last week
completed, EZ spin was slow.

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