Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oct 30th

7 minutes @ 75%:
5/arm KB Snatch @ 16kg
Run 200m
4 rds + kbsnatches + 100m run
--4 min rest
7 minutes @ 75%:
5 Wall Balls - 14# to 9 ft
15 unbroken Double Unders x 2
10 rounds
--4 min rest
7 minutes @ 75%:
5 Toes to Bar
30 sec Airdyne
8 rds + t2b + 8 sec AD
--4 min rest
7 minutes @ 75%:
5 Power Clean and Push Press @ 65lb
Run 200m
5 rounds
--4 min rest
7 minutes @ 75%:
5 Burpees
Row 150m
7 rounds
--4 min rest
7 minutes @ 75%:
5 Knees to Elbows
30 sec Airdyne
9 rounds + 3 k2e

Notes: I felt good throughout. Wore my HR monitor mostly for the stopwatch, HR was 175 to 183 during the work outs and went down quickly into the 4min recovery. My efforts were challenging but totally maintainable throughout the 7 min and I could have held the pace for longer too, heart rate went up the most during the WB/DU couplet, and also after the clean and overhead. Had fun, I have enjoyed these last 2 Tuesdays. I am still a kid so, these long continuous sessions are great for me; I need to be exercised, like a dog, and I will be much more mellow throughout the day. Maybe that's why I am powerful too, lots of energy to release. I Got my HRV monitor in the mail today, I will try it out tomorrow morning which will also be my rest day. 

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