Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sept 4th

AM -  Rowing LP2/LEnd
Row 300m @ 1:39-1:41/500m x 5 sets, rest 6-8 min
59.9/1:38.8 ave
59.7/ 1:39.4 ave
1:00.2/ 1:40.4 ave
59.8/ 1:39.7 ave
1:00.2/ 1:40.4
Took 6 min rest before sets 2 and 3. Took closer to 8 min rest before sets 4 and 5. Overall felt good, this was tough but I didn't feel like I was going to die and the lactate build up wasn't as bad as its been the previous couple weeks, so making progress here.
PM - MAP Scenario's (Running 1st each time)
Complete the following, each for time @ 85-90% effort:
Run 1k (goal is sub 4 min on each run)
5 min rest
Run 1k
5 min rest
DL @ 135lb
Burpees - no jump @ top
5 min rest
For time:
DU's - 100,75,50,25
Chin-ups - 12,9,6,3
OHS @ 65lb - 12,9,6,3
5 min rest
For time:
Right Arm KB Snatch @ 16kg - 10,8,6,4,2
Left Arm KB Snatch @ 16kg - 10,8,6,4,2
Box Jumps - 24" - 10,10,10,10,10
5:23, stepped down on all box jumps
Notes: This session was tough, lacking a little energy going into the work out and each work out was tough. Went at 85% to 90%, but still thought I would do better than I did at that effort especially on the runs, but I guess a turn around points and a slight uphill could have some factor. Like the burpees with no jump at the top, those are great. DU's were finally better today, had a few trips the last times I have done them, and liked the last scenario most, enjoyed the movements/rep counts. 

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