Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept 25th

AM -  Rowing LP2/LEnd
5 sets:
Row 30 sec @ 97% - damper 5
30 sec rest on Rower
Row 30 sec @ 97% - damper 5
5 min rest
This format was really tough. My first 30 sec interval I went way too hard, kind of forgetting how quick the 30 sec rest would go by. My goal for future sets was very high effort but repeatable. I was somewhat able to stick to this except for the last set, glad there was not 6th set.
PM - MAP Scenario's (Running 1st each time)
Complete the following, each for time @ 85-90% effort:
Run 1k - sub 4 min
3:53 -- runs felt good today
5 min rest
Run 1k - sub 4 min
5 min rest
For time @ 85-90%:
Wall Balls - 14# - 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Chin-ups - 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
3:39 --felt great throughout
5 min rest
5 rounds:
30 sec KBS - 24kg 
30 sec Burpees 
Completed, this was the toughest one of the day. I don't remember my exact numbers but they were not consistent. I got winded quick and couldn't keep up with what I wanted to do.
5 min rest
For time @ 85-90%:
Push Jerk @ 95lb taken from rack - 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Box Jumps - 30" (step down) - 10,10,10,10,10,10,10
7:31 -- consistent effort
i enjoy the higher box jumps

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