Saturday, September 1, 2012

Morning @ Catalyst & Afternoon Training

Spent this morning at Catalyst, worked on the olympic lifts. Worked up to 74kg on snatch and 85kg on the clean and jerk. I enjoy the olympic lifts a lot obviously, so I am always excited to work on them. Love the atmosphere at Catalyst, it is a ton of fun to lift with others who are doing the same thing and everyone is really encouraging. 
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Squat Snatch @ 65lb
10 Chin-ups
7 rounds + 1 snatch
Didn't feel super motivated going into this, but it could have been a good thing in terms of pacing because I did better than last time (6 plus 8 snatches). 
Mobility + Z1 Running
10 minutes Calf/Ankle Stretching and Rolling
10 minutes of Hip Flexor/Glute Stretching and Rolling
10 minutes of Lat/Pec Stretching and Rolling
Run 3k @ <75% HR
Completed, needed this session. Run was 21:30 reminded me of the very beginning of training in Oct 2011 :)
side note: my abs are oddly sore today!

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