Sunday, March 4, 2012

MAP Multi

Not redoing 12.2 it does not seem worth it. Even if I had the best score in my region, I wouldn't be rewarded enough points to make up a lot of ground. Time to move forward and work to get back in it during the next 3 weeks.

15 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
6 Clean and Jerk - 65lb
6 Ring Dips
Run 200m
8 rounds + 6 clean and jerks + 6 ring dips + 100m
Shoulders fatigued faster than legs, which was nice. All clean and jerks and ring dips unbroken. 

--10 min recovery

15 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
6 KBS - 24kg
6 Ring Push-ups
Row 250m
8 rounds + 2 KBS
KBS and Ring push ups were unbroken and quick sets, somewhat tried to use the rower as my recovery. Felt good throughout

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