Friday, January 27, 2012

Power Snatch 2RM 138# & 180# Clean and Jerk

Another day feeling stronger than ever!
A. Power Snatch, build to 2RM (5 sec b/t reps on ground)
B. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep per min for 10 mins - add load slowly as you can, start @ 155lb
C. Hang Squat Snatch, 10-10-10, 10 min - 135lb for first set
A. 138# (PR) never even done this for a single
B. 155#, 155#, 158#, 158#, 160#, 160#, 163#, 165#, 175#, 180# PR!

C. Did not complete. I got 3 in my first set before my hands ripped. Feel okay with 3 reps considering 135# was my previous 1RM for the hang squat snatch.

Left Thumb :(
I've never seen anything like this, so I probably did something wrong. Here's the pic in a non D-Bag way because I'm not proud of it and I don't think it's cool at all. I called it for today after this set of 3 because my hands were stinging and gripping even an empty bar wasn't going to happen. I thought about it for maybe 10 minutes on a way to somehow complete this part "C" but came to the conclusion that calling it for the day would be the smartest decision to make. Washing my hands after was a nightmare. 
Really hate when I can't complete a work out as written, but with 2 PR's today I can't be too disappointed in myself. I guess it's 3 PRs with 135# hang squat snatch being a new 3RM.
Hope the hands heel quick and back at it again tomorrow :)

138# Power Snatch x 2/ 180# C&j/ 135# hang squat snatches from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. You can use straps for power snatches and snatches from the hang. They allow you to pull a little bit harder and will prevent tearing.
