Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snatch PR!

A. Snatch, build to 95% RM for a single
B. Clean and Jerk, build to 95% RM for a single
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3-2-1, 5 min
D. 30 Muscle-ups for time
A. 153#
B. 173#
C. 195#, 205#, 215#
D. 10:21

No idea where the Snatch PR came from! I used to practice snatches all the time, and I have not touched a heavy snatch since right before the OPTathlon, when I was anticipating it to be part of the competition. Very proud, it has been about 5 months since my last PR of 69 kg. Still jumping forward a bit, having trouble keeping that upright torso, and not quite opening my hips all the way, but catch and speed under the bar seems solid. Still lots of room to improve!
Clean and Jerk felt okay today. Went with a power clean and 173# went up pretty easy, so made the jump to 180# and just barely missed the jerk.
Back squats felt good today
Muscle up notes: halfway @ 3:42, 2 fails on the pull, 2 fails on the dip, huge blister that ripped at the bottom of my palm from the false grip at rep 26.


  1. Nice work, for the life of me I can't figure out why you jump so far forward on this lift but when you fix that you'll add another 10lbs!! WOO!

  2. Thanks! I watched it in slow motion, the bar is coming off my thighs and my hips never full open. From the release off my thighs the bar separates from my body by like 4 inches, making me jump forward to "chase" the bar. the real thing i cant figure out is how caught that with such a bad release!
