SAT Sept 21
AM - MAP Sets (2 parts)
AM - MAP Sets (2 parts)
3 sets @ high effort:
AMRAP Toes to Bar 25, 14, 15
120 sec unloaded Prowler Push
180 sec rest
1 min rest
10 min Row @ EZ effort
1 min rest
3 sets @ high effort:
20 GH Sit-ups
20 Box Jumps - 20" - jump down, no rebound
20 cals AD
180 sec rest
2:48, 2:46, 2:52
7, tough session to get into. Ended up being fine, I think I mostly just dislike our set up for sleds
-- side note, it is Monday now that I am posting and my abs are still sore from t2b
PM - Hill Running
15 minute continuous uphill/downhill @ high effort (try to get a section that running up takes at least 1 minute)
7 really tough
MON Sept 23
AM - Snatch intense + Clean intense + Vertical CP (not battery)
AM - Snatch intense + Clean intense + Vertical CP (not battery)
A. Power Clean, build to a max - goal is 205lb
B. Snatch, 1 rep @ 160lb per min for 10 mins
C1. Push Press @ 11X1, 2-2-2-2, 1:30 min
C2. Weighted Supinated Chin-ups @ 20X1, 2-2-2-2, 1:30 min
A. 210# pr, video below. 205# i caught really high but didn't try anything after 210# as it truly felt the heaviest I could go for today
B. Completed, failed the 6th rep but otherwise all reps felt perfect, I could hear them coming off my hips it was cool
C1. 155#, 160, 165# , 170#
C2. 40#, 45# for the rest
PM - CP Battery tester
AMRAP in 15 mins:
10 DB Thrusters @ 45/hand
3 Bar MU's
100ft Prowler Push @ 180lb load on sled
3 Bar MU's
4 rd + 13 reps
Wanted 5 but I was getting tired, sucking wind and muscles
210 Power Clean from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.
If it makes you feel any better my abs were sorte for about 5 days after doing GHD sit ups a week ago. Ha !