Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wrapping up the Week

This past week seemed like a year, each day kind of seemed like a "just go through the work out" kind of day. I usually feel focused for most of 85% of my training sessions, sure there are days I don't feel like doing what I have planned or I don't feel like working out in general but I get through it. This week was a bit different; I didn't ever feel like working out, I just did it. Things were different at the gym, the mood and energy for one were not the ideal environment to train in. I didn't need to adjust much aside from Monday PM, but I think I could have gotten more out of my training on a better week. I did a lot of stuff outside the gym to just kind of get out and about. I hung out poolside for a few days, (got tan), and walked many miles with my dogs, I'm sure they couldn't be happier. Done with this week, rest tomorrow and we will see what next week brings!
Friday July 12th
A. Front Squat, build to a max for the day (this is to see where you are in recovery...if you make 215 easy, then go right to 230)
B. Muscle Snatch. OHS. Snatch Balance. High Hang Squat Snatch, @ 95lb x 5 sets, 2 min
C. Split Jerk, 2-2-2-1-1-1, 1:30 min - 2's @ 115lb, 1's @ 135lb
D1. Pendlay Rows @ 22X0, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, 1:30 min
D2. Barbell Russian Step-ups @ 11X0 - 20", 8/leg x 3 sets, 1:30 min (no rest b/t legs, start with weaker leg)
E. Standing KB Press @ 16kg/arm, 4-6 reps per min for 10 mins
A. 215# easy, fail 230#
B. Completed
C. Completed
D1. 83# x 8 reps for all sets, this was tough
D2. 95#, 98#, 100# started with left leg each set
E. Completed, 6 reps every min, it wasn't too hard till the 8th min
Saturday July 13th
AM - MAP Varied
max cals in 10 min on Airdyne
184 cals, felt pretty good, good push at the finish 90 sec. I was kind of hesitant to blow up so i paced out the first 5 min but i think it worked well
5 min rest
10 min Run @ 50%
Completed, legs were like jello on my first few steps it was kinda funny and unexpected
5 min rest
For time @ 90%:
Chin-ups - 15,12,9
Push-ups - 20,15,10
GH Sit-ups - 20,20,20
Air Squats - 30,30,30
9:52 push ups and GHDs were the toughest. Chins unbroken and easy... airsquats were kinda slow but i didnt stop on them

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