Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8th

AM - Snatch intense + C&J intense + Vertical CP
A. Squat Clean, max
B. Power Snatch, touch n go 3 RM
C. Press, max
D. Supinated Chin-up, max
A. 205#... i did the math wrong and I thought this was 215# so i was soo excited because it was so easy then I totally psyched myself out when I did 215 for the next lift. failed because I couldn't stand up
B. 140#, i dont like tng snatches of any sort, hard to get in a good position
C. 120# PR
D. 67.5# i think that is a PR too
PM - Rowing MAP
5 x 120 sec Row @ 75%/120 sec Row @ 50% - damper 3, hold same paces as last week
3 min rest
Turkish get-up practice @ 24kg
ran instead

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