Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 16

I have spent the past few days just trying to get healthy again. I came down with something, and when I worked out on Wednesday I think it was too soon. I felt worse everyday until Sat morning, which is when I woke up feeling good enough to train again. Downloaded lots of new games on my phone and watched lots of TV to pass the time while I wasn't feeling good. This is a nasty cold and flu season. I blame the people who cough and sneeze in their hands and then go about their business in the gym for the reason I got sick. Please don't cough into your hands and then touch things, thats disgusting and rude.
I trained yesterday, and felt pretty good, still not 100% but I needed to move around, and today I still feel good so it looks like whatever I was sick with has passed now.

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
100 Thrusters @ 45lbs
AMRAP Double Unders in remaining time
248 Double Unders
I thrusters took about 5:30- 5:40 and started double unders around min 6. 
Thrusters began with a set of 35 then 15 then 8-10, double unders were whatever I could do, I had quite a few trips and was hitting fatigue in my shoulders the final two mins. 

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