Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4th

Thursday - Clean Intense + Jerk Moderate + Snatch intense + BSq intense + Upper CP
A. Snatch, build to a 1RM
B. Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep x 9 sets, 2 min - 3 sets @ 130lb, 3 sets @ 150lb, 3 sets @ 170lb
C. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, build to a tough single (absolutely no failures)
D. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1:
unbroken HSPU's
unbroken C2B Chin-ups
A. 165# tie pr. UGHHHHHHH i tried 170# literally 12 times and every single time I was under it with full extension in my arms but i just couldn't get it to stabilize and it fell behind me every single time. it made me so MAD! probably tired myself out for the rest of the work out but i wanted 170# sooo bad!!!!!! :'(
B. Completed as written
C. 205# +60# of chains
D. 6:29 compared to 7:17 last time. Pull ups havent been feeling as good as normal the past few work outs. 

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