Monday, October 1, 2012

4 PR's

AM - Jumping + Clean and Jerk moderate + Snatch moderate + Front Squat Moderate + Upper CP tester 
A. Box Jump Cluster, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 2 min - all tough sets, no walk-in
B. Clean and Jerk, build to a 1RM
C. Front Squat @ 20X1, 1 RM
D. "Amanda" as rx'd 
Squat Snatch @ 95lb
A. 40"/ 42" for the remaining 4 sets
B. 195# pr, jumped to 203# and missed the jerk, couldn't get 200# once I worked back down. SO annoying, I need to just take small jumps in weight when getting near my max because I know I can get 205#+. Although I hit a PR, I am left feeling unsatisfied and now I expect myself to hit 205#+ in a couple weekends at the OPTathlon. 
C. 210# PR
D. 6:58, about a minute slower than I hoped but still feel ok about this given what I had to do before and how annoyed I was with myself going into it. 

A few positive notes:
  • Clean has gone up 18# since I have started working with Michael
  • Clean and Jerk has gone up 20# and in 2 weeks it will be a total of 30# increase
  • Front Squat has gone up 20#
  • My clean is finally heavier than my power clean
  • 4 PR's today: 195# clean and jerk, 203# clean, 210# front squat, 6:58 Amanda
 PM - Swimming MAP

Swim 25 m hard every 2 minute for 30 minutes

Will complete later this evening. Looking forward to it.

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