for time:
21 L Pull Ups
15 ring HSPU
15 L Pull Ups
10 ring HSPU
9 L Pull Ups
5 ring HSPU
rest 10 min
"Flight Simulator"
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken Double Unders for time
Part 1
First time doing ring HSPU's, my set of 15 ring hspu was scaled to 12min of prac, then I finally got down the technique, so I finished the work out as written.
Part 2 went horribly. My shoulders were not working after the ring HSPU's
The Group I am following and leading on OPT is called "will". In the description it states that I am a full time athlete and competing is my priority. I have made fitness into much more of a full time gig than just a hobby through the time I have committed to my training. I have been given a great opportunity to be a "leader" of this group on the site. I made a promise to myself that I won't give up; I will try everything that is thrown my way. The first week was brutal, I was beat up mentally and physically, and then Sunday came. It was another tough work out, but more importantly it was a test day with Ring HSPU and L- Pullups then the Flight Simulator. I wouldn't have attempted the Ring HSPU if I hadn't promised myself that I am going to attempt everything and give each day everything I have for that moment. Matt told me that I was clearly strong enough to do Ring HSPU, I can do 20 strict HSPU easily from the floor, so why did I doubt myself on the rings? It was unfamiliar and I lacked practice. After about 15 minutes total of practice and a lot of help from Matt, everything clicked and I was able to finish the work out as written. I felt awesome; You don't often see a female doing HSPU's on the rings! The lesson I learned today is have confidence in yourself, a cheesy but true quote:
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
I think this video shows the difficulty of the Ring HSPU movement and the "will" I have to get it done, no matter how many times I fail.
~And a big THANK YOU to Matt! I was having a lot of trouble making this video because I used a different camera, and he did it all for me :)
Keep pushing everything will fall in place for you. I struggled with double unders yesterday as well.