Tuesday, August 30, 2011

OPT August 30, 2011

Part 1:
7 sets:
5 tough thrusters
10 burpees AFAP
Row 25 sec @ 90%
Rest 6 min actively

Rest 6+ hours

Part 2:
Run 400 m @ 90%
Walk rest 5 min actively x 3
(rest 12 min working on handstand walk)
Run 400 m @ 90%
Walk rest 5 min actively x 3

Part 1:
All sets @ 125#
meters/total time
115m/ 1:14
116m/ 1:23
106m/ 1:28

Part 2:
So after this morning's work out, I felt awful. I woke up at 6 am to train, and started warming up. I really wasn't feeling it at all so I decided to wait it out and train after I coached a class. By 9:30 am I had had breakfast and was done teaching, so it was time for attempt 2 for part 1. I have to say that today was top 10 toughest work outs I have ever done. Why? Because I went heavy! I could have made it a lot easier and done lighter thrusters, but that wasn't the point. Actually, I wanted to be squat thrusting 135# for 5 reps, but for 7 rounds I just wouldn't be able to do that, and 125# proved to be a big enough challenge. After I completed part 1, I left the gym feeling like garbage. I felt weak, and mentally defeated. I went home to take a nap, ate some food, went back to work then tried for part 2 after I coached a private client. I felt okay on the first run, it was actually pretty fast for me but that's because I did my 400m as a straight shot, usually I have a turn around @200m. I did my 3 sprints, but I was fading quickly. My times dropped and I felt like I was trying harder on my second and third split, only to end up with a worse time. My body was telling me stop. It sucked, never have I cut short my training because my body shuts down. I took a 10min break then I did my Handstand walk practice and it went better than last time, but I will still benefit from a lot more practice. I called it a day after that. My body could not recover. My energy was low and I just felt like crap. Hoping for a good night of recovery and back at it tomorrow.
400m times set 1: 1:17 1:23 1:26

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